Super blood moon: Partial lunar eclipse in India on May 26

May 26, 2021 - PatialaPolitics

Super blood moon: Partial lunar eclipse in India on May 26

During the total lunar eclipse, the moon will be much below the eastern horizon, therefore, people cannot see the beginning of this eclipse from India. People living in eastern India can see the concluding phase of the lunar eclipse which will be seen very close to the eastern horizon,a Full Moon at its closest point to Earth, we will be seeing a larger Full Moon than usual. However, since it is also a total lunar eclipse on the same day, we will be later seeing the Moon in its glowy red tone. So this is a Super Blood Moon.

The partial phase of the eclipse will begin at 3.15 pm and end at 6.23 pm in India, while the total phase will begin at 4.39 pm and end at 4.58 pm.