Get ready for extreme heatwaves Patiala, temperature likely to reach 47℃

June 10, 2024 - PatialaPolitics

Get ready for extreme heatwaves Patiala, temperature likely to reach 47℃


Dry weather most likely to continue over Punjab, Haryana & Chandigarh during next 5 days. High Maximum temperatures are prevailing over parts of southern and western Punjab and Haryana with maximum temperatures near 45 – 46 deg Celsius. Whereas maximum temperatures over Northern regions including Chandigarh are about 44 – 45 deg Celsius. Rise in Maximum temperature by about 2 – 3 deg Celsius likely during next 05 days. Maximum Temperatures over parts of southern and western Haryana and Punjab are very likely to be around 46 – 47 deg * C during next 3-4 days. Similarly, temperatures over the northern parts of Haryana and Punjab including Chandigarh are expected to range from 44 – 45 deg * C This will lead to continuation of prevailing heat wave conditions over Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh during 11 ^ m to 14 ^ m June 2024. Severe Heat Wave Conditions are very likely at isolated places over southern and western parts of Haryana and Punjab during this period where maximum temperature could reach 46-47°C at some pockets.